Wings for Life World Run Race Recap

by Haley on May 6, 2014

Athletes in 34 cities, across 32 countries, and six continents, all simultaneously racing for ONE amazing cause, spinal cord injury research. I knew the Wings for Life World Run would be special, but I was BLOWN AWAY by the actual event! The whole race concept was a little different. All 34 locations started at the exact same time. That meant my start in Sunrise, Florida was at 6AM, while the people in Los Angeles started at 3AM, and the athletes in New Zealand started at 10PM! Crazy! To make things even MORE interesting, the race had NO finish line! We just ran until the “Catcher Car” caught us! catchercar The Catcher Cars started driving 30 minutes after the race start and increased speed along the way. The goal? Get as far as possible before the car passes! All of the race entry fees went to spinal cord injury research. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT! The race also featured a big wheelchair division, headlined by Olympian Tatyana McFadden. Tatyana just won the wheelchair race at the Boston Marathon and I heard a rumor the race director was actually worried the catcher car wouldn’t be able to catch her! The girl goes 27 MPH! Flying!

Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 10.13.28 AMTatyana McFadden and Lolo Jones. Just a couple Olympians celebrating each other’s awesomeness! 

Red Bull was a big race supporter which meant there were tons of athletes you wouldn’t normally see at your local road race. I even snuck into a pre-race selfie with Track/Bobseld Superstar Lolo Jones, Fixie Rider Addison Zawada, Wakeboarder Steel Lafferty, Cyclecross star Tim Johnson, and Ultramarathoner Mike Wardian! wingsforlifeselfieI started the racing thinking I had a 10-13 mile run in front of me. I wasn’t carrying any fluids or nutrition, and since the race started in the dark I didn’t even wear sunscreen or a hat. I actually had plans to meet people back at the start just two hours later. The race started and I took off right behind Lolo Jones. I was kind of laughing because I was running behind Lolo Jones!! How cool is that?!! Lolo slowed a bit and I kept going at what felt like a manageable 10-13 mile pace. I took a bit of water at aid stations and just kept rolling. wflrun2I hit the 13 mile mark around 1:25 and my bike escort, Keith, mentioned “If you keep this pace, you’ll run 35 miles before the car catches you.”


Oh dear! I realized I was in a bit of trouble. I was not ready for the idea of 20+ more miles. My first thought was calories. I needed calories. Luckily there were tons of aid stations, many of them actually stocked with Red Bull!! I grabbed as many cups as possible. I needed some wings!! wflwingsMy second thought was pace. I consciously slowed down a bit. Normally in races I tell myself, the faster you run, the sooner you’ll get to the finish line. But in this race, it’s actually the slower you run, the sooner you’ll finish. That was kind of hard for me to wrap my head around, so I had to find another way to stay motivated. The whole race is about running for those who can’t. I told myself every “bonus mile” past 13 was a mile for those who can’t run. I knew I was so lucky to be out there running on a gorgeous, sunny, Florida day and I wanted to run as far as possible for people who don’t have that kind of opportunity. Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 9.40.17 AMI kept going, mile after mile. My pace slowly fell and around mile 20, super bike escort Keith gave me some news, “there’s a woman chasing you, she’s within 2 minutes.”

This was still a race! I needed to pick up the pace! But how much? Did I have five miles to go? 10? 20? I thought about this for about a mile. In the meantime, the woman closed the gap to just over 1 minute! I had to make a decision, QUICK. I decided to fight. I’m at my best when I’m racing. I hadn’t led this race for 21 miles to go down in what might be the final miles. I grabbed another cup of Red Bull and put in a surge. Mentally, I decided I would win the marathon. I would be the first woman to 26.2 miles and if the Catcher Car still hadn’t come by, I would make a new plan.

My legs responded beautifully. I was able to pick up the pace for a few more miles and increase the gap between me and second place. I hit the marathon mark in a new PR of 3:03!

But where was the DANG CAR?!?!

The miles past 26.2 were new territory for me. I’ve run one trail ultra, but that included a lot of walking and a mid-race grilled cheese stop. Running past the end of a 3:03 marathon HURT. Slowly I watched the media around me increase. The motorcycle cameraman that had recorded every step of my run was joined by several other photographers. The Universal Sports truck moved in front of me, and a helicopter buzzed overhead. The Catcher Car HAD to be close!!

Screen Shot 2014-05-05 at 4.51.03 PMYes, this tweet really happened!! Omg!!

I kept running, checking behind me every couple steps, waiting for the car to come into sight. I actually passed a guy to move into second place overall, but he fought hard and surged ahead as we both kept looking back for the car!! And finally, after more than 28 miles and 3 hours and 21 minutes, it appeared!! My finish line!! wflrunfinishImmediately after getting passed I was presented with a giant trophy and told I’d won the U.S. Women’s title and placed top 10 in the World! I got to do an interview for Universal Sports and some amazing volunteers shuttled me back to the start. wflrun3Getting out of the car at the “start line” was as incredible as any finish chute. Tons of people were cheering and members of the Miami Heat Wheelchair Basketball team and Tampa Bay Buccaneer Eric LeGrand were handing out medals. I even got to high five the Mayor! Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 9.45.40 AM Screen Shot 2014-05-05 at 10.14.30 AMThe incredible HealthSouth medical team cleaned up a cut on my heel (whoops, if there’s a chance you might be running more than 10 miles, I really recommend wearing good socks) and I got to watch the big screen as the Catcher Car finally caught Mike Wardian, the last man racing, at mile 35! Screen Shot 2014-05-05 at 7.53.05 PMThe whole race was such an amazing production. My friends and family at home were able to track me, and every other runner in the entire world (!!!), down to the 10th of a kilometer the whole race! It was a great opportunity for me and many others to realize we are capable of running further and faster than we ever thought possible. I loved the “moving finish line” concept and I think it made for a very fun, but still very competitive, atmosphere. It’s great to think that people who might usually be “back of the pack” were actually finished FIRST, and able to grab some food, hang out, and watch the races still going on across the globe via a giant screen at the start. wflcheer And of course, the whole race was for a GREAT cause. Raising money for spinal cord injury research is something EVERYONE can get behind. I’m so thankful I got to be a part of the inaugural event and I will definitely be back next year! I want to run 30+ miles!! Who’s coming with me?!?! Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 10.09.01 AM


This week’s TYR Swim Set of the Week is a Coach Maria original we actually did at this morning’s Dynamo Masters workout.

It’s no secret I LOVE swimming with Dynamo Masters. Yes, there are the obvious reasons (camaraderie, great workouts, stylish decor) but swimming at Dynamo is extra special during the spring and summer when the pool is set up for Long Course Meters. I do think swimming long course gives me an advantage for open water swimming. Flip turns are like a mini break that triathletes don’t get in most races. I figure I might as well train with as few turns as possible!

Screen Shot 2014-05-02 at 10.53.39 AMNow, once you finish that AMAZING workout, get ready to cheer for me at this Sunday’s Wings For Life World Run!

Screen Shot 2014-04-21 at 6.26.28 PM

I’m super excited to be a part of this charity run with all entry fees going toward spinal cord research. It’s a new race concept with races taking place simultaneously across the globe and no set finish line. Runner’s World did a great article on the race with some insight on how the race directors think it will all play out. Read it HERE.

I’ll be racing in Sunrise, Florida with a 6am EST start time! My bib number is 21159 and you can actually track me online HERE and see how far I get before the car catches me! Supposedly there’s a Red Bull aid station at 5k, so you can be sure I’ll make it at least that far!

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!!!

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Have you ever seen a better place to host an open water swim clinic?!?


Last weekend, I was lucky enough to do just that thanks to Enfinity Health of Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Now, can you spot what’s wrong with this picture from the clinic?!?



Yes, I may have forgotten to pack a key piece of equipment, but that didn’t keep me from having a GREAT time meeting tons of triathletes and open water swimmers from the Winston-Salem area. I got to share some tips and tricks with some open water newbies, and even I learned a thing or two about drafting while trying to keep up with the (still very fast) swimming legend Joe Rhyne!

winstonclinic2Check it out, I was on a flyer!!!

Big thank you to Tim, Andrea, and Nick for organizing the clinic and my whole trip to Winston. The clinic venue couldn’t have been more perfect and the Enfinity Health crew made sure I got to see the best of the whole city, including a two-wheeled trip to the top of Pilot Mountain


And a very tedious descent back down!!

Slowtwitch editor and Winston resident Herbert Krabel met me for a running tour of the gorgeous residential areas near Wake Forest’s Reynolda Gardens and I got to spend a lot of quality time catching up with my University of Georgia Swimming teammate Andrea!

winstonugaYay for another UGA Swim Reunion!! GO DAWGS!!

Once back in Atlanta, the fun didn’t stop as I did a quick swim Q&A with the Peachtree Tri Club. Luckily this time I remembered to wear clothes!!


I had a great time meeting some local triathletes and I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone out training and racing this season, and hopefully swimming a little bit faster!!!

Screen Shot 2014-04-29 at 8.52.53 PMWith Peachtree Tri Club Leaders Pam and Kevin!


New Orleans 70.3 Race Recap – 2014

by Haley on April 24, 2014

Why race a half Ironman exactly two weeks after an Ironman?

1. I’m always up for a little experimentation:


2. In small doses, I really like the city of New Orleans:

nola paradePretty sure this was a parade of auditors and giant puppets on Canal Street.

3. I was the defending champ!

NOLA Finish 2I should post this picture weekly just to make myself smile!!!

I knew racing New Orleans was risky this year, but it was a risk I was more than happy to take. I had fully convinced myself Ironman Los Cabos was just a big training day and my legs were more than ready to tear through the Crescent City.

For the first hour and a half of the race, I was RIGHT! The swim and first 20 miles of the bike were a BLAST.

Screen Shot 2014-04-23 at 7.19.42 PMFirst out of the South Shore Harbor Marina! Woo hoo!

I was riding up the front with Anna Cleaver and LOVING it. I felt like I was really racing and it was awesome. Shortly after the 20 mile mark Anna took the lead. And that’s when it happened:



I’m no stranger to blow ups, but this one was different. I was close to falling off the bike laughing because my head and my body were totally still in “race-mode” but I could barely turn over the pedals! I had nothing but love for my legs in that moment. I’d asked a lot out of them, and for an Ironman + 1/4, they had delivered spectacularly!

From that moment on I went into a bit of survival mode. I switched my focus from watts to calories, trying to get in as much nutrition and hydration as possible, knowing I still had a finish line waiting on me!

Once off the bike, the comedy continued. I was running in sixth place and within striking distance of the leaders, but my first couple run splits looked more like “controlled Ironman pace” than what I typically shoot for in a half. Poor legs! In that moment I decided that what I wanted more than anything in the world was to get sixth place. I was going to FIGHT with whatever I had for sixth. There’s no prize money for sixth, not much glory, but hell, I WANTED IT.

Screen Shot 2014-04-23 at 7.19.06 PMHeaded to the finish, FOCUSED!!

Crazy things can happen in the 70.3 miles between the start and finish lines. I managed to lead, blow up, get passed, and even pass back! More important for me this year, is what didn’t happen – me giving up! I finished the 2014 Ironman 70.3 New Orleans in 5th place and a time of 4:27!  Not quite my 4:18 win from the previous year, but I couldn’t be prouder of myself. I fought through a tough day and a tough double. I got to race with some amazing people in an amazing city and I got to cross another finish line.

nola2014finishNo tape, but still smiling!!

In the end, I wasn’t completely wrong. Mentally, I was more than ready to race New Orleans after Los Cabos. And THAT gets me extremely excited. Because next time, my legs will be ready too!

Thank You!

Major thanks to my parents for making a last minute trip to New Orleans. I always love having you guys at races! Especially when it involves post-race steak and beer!

folksMTMy folks! (Pic obviously not from New Orleans, haha)

Thanks to Dynamo Coach Andrew Shanks for being on the run course with some really positive words of encouragement. Talk to yourself like that in Kona, and those lava fields will be a breeze, buddy!

Thanks to Coach Matthew Rose for getting me prepared for not only a March Ironman, but for a half two weeks later. And for running a 2:47 in Boston this week and giving former swimmers everywhere a big reason to celebrate! We ARE land animals!

Thank you to Coach Maria Thrash and the entire Dynamo Masters Swimming and Multisport Teams for the cheers on race day and every day. GO GREEN! And yay for long course season!!

Thanks to Hillary and Michele for including me in the amazing Smashfest Queen community! I love my kit, but I REALLY love the people it continues to bring into my life!

nolasmashPre-race with Smash ladies Kris, Orissa, and Aixa !

Thanks to Quintana Roo, Reynolds Wheels, SRAM, Quarq, Kask and bike guru Allen Heaton for getting my amazing Illicito race ready. Personal best 20 mile ride! Next time my legs will be there for the full 56!

Thanks to TYR for making the best wetsuits, swimsuits, and goggles EVER. (And yes, I’ve been swimming forEVER so I know this is true.) The fast and stylish new Mizuno Wave Hitogamis transitioned perfectly from the race course to the awards stage and I couldn’t have made it across that finish line without a solid nutrition plan and lots of gear, so thank you Osmo Nutrition and!

Thanks to Bill and Michele Burke and Premier Event Management for putting on a great race. New Orleans isn’t the easiest location for a race, but PEM makes it happen and keeps me and many others coming back year-after-year.

New Orleans was extra special this year because I got two race with TWO fellow University of Georgia Swim Dawgs!

Screen Shot 2014-04-23 at 7.50.23 PMMe, Abbie, Stef! Go DAWGS!

Abbie is a few years younger than me, but she KILLED her first ever half! I was lucky enough to swim one year at UGA with Stef and now she’s the Bulldogs’ Assistant Coach! Stef has FIVE National Championship rings and more NCAA All-American Honors than I can count!! I think Ironman might be too easy for her!!

And finally, thank you to everyone who cheered for me both in New Orleans and at home. Special shout out to the Tri Coach GA/Dream Team/Athens crew! When I walked up to claim my 5th place award the roar from Harvey, Seth, Ryan, Gin and the whole crew was so loud that Andy Potts himself commented on my fan club. Thanks guys, you make me feel so awesome!

nolapodium2014Top 5 Pro Women! Congrats to Hallie, Lauren, Sarah, and Laurel!


I was SO freaking INSPIRED by the Boston Marathon yesterday! From Meb’s big win, Shalane’s gutsy race from the front, Rita Jeptoo’s incredible 2:18 (!!!), Team Hoyt’s last Boston, and my own Dynamo coach, teammates’, and friends’ AMAZING performances, there were lots of happy moments yesterday that made me so proud to call myself an endurance sports athlete!

This weekend I’m looking forward to meeting a whole new community of multisport athletes in North Carolina at the Enfinity Health Open Water Swim Clinic!

Screen Shot 2014-04-21 at 5.37.22 PM

I’ll be helping my University of Georgia teammate Andrea, her super-swimmer husband Tim, and the Enfinity Health crew put on an Open Water Swim Clinic at a GORGEOUS lake near Winston Salem. It should be a great time, and you can check out the official flyer with details HERE.

NEXT weekend I get to do a different kind of race.

Screen Shot 2014-04-21 at 6.26.28 PMThe Wings for Life World Run is a GLOBAL race with NO FINISH LINE! Yes, you read that right! Runners just keep going until the official race car catches them! How cool is that?

What’s even cooler is that 100% of entry fees go to spinal cord research. I’ll be doing the race in Florida, but you can join at any of the 34 locations on SIX continents! Read all about it at Anyone want to guess how far I get before the car catches me? I bet I can come up with a prize!!

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