Weekend in Six Pics

by Haley on December 9, 2013

As non-race weekends go, this past one was a BLAST! Between all3sports SMASH night with Hillary Biscay, the She Moves Reindeer Romp 5k (Hillary and Michele even came out to cheer me on!) and a quick stroll through the Christmas lights at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, I came out of the weekend happy, inspired, and with some cute new clothes!



Want more? 

SwimBikeMom did a great recap of SMASH night including full video of Hillary’s Q&A session! Check it out HERE.

– The She Moves ATL Facebook page has lots of pictures and full Reindeer Romp results. Like it HERE.

– Pictures don’t do the Botanical Garden lights justice! Check them out in person through January 4th. Bonus features include a campfire for S’mores, hot chocolate, and adult beverages! Details HERE.


TYR Swim Set of the Week! – Prepping for NYE

by Haley on December 5, 2013

The Dynamo Masters Holiday Swim Schedule is OUT and there are only 26 days til New Year’s Eve!!


And you know what happens at Dynamo Masters on New Year’s Eve…

afterNYE#TBT “The Crew” after swimming 13k to ring in 2013!!

After a nice long offseason with more time spent drinking Red Bull at the pool and talking on the wall than actually swimming, I’m ready to get back to work! It’s almost 2014, which means I have a 14k SWIM to get ready for!

I kicked off this week with a Coach Maria aerobic swim set to help me ease my way back to swim fitness. You can be sure I’ll be doing plenty of sets like this and gradually building up the distance in the next 26 days!!

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Ok, not technically a water pic this week, but last time I checked, rain is water too!


And that’s me, SOAKED after a very rainy run!

Why in the world would I be running in the rain?!?! Because I’m RACING this weekend!!!

shemovesMy Dynamo teammate April Gellatly organizes a really cool women’s 5k series and this weekend is their annual Reindeer Romp 5k!

The last time I trained for a 5k race was with my roommate Kara in college. We only had a one week break from swimming, but we still managed to squeeze in a build and taper!

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I can’t say I’m much better prepared this time around, but who can resist a race called the Reindeer Romp!?

The race is this SATURDAY at Chastain Park here in Atlanta. The gun goes off a 9:30 am. You can register race morning starting at 8am, OR you can register online RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW! I also think if you check out the SheMoves twitter feed you might be able to find a discount code!!

The race is ladies only, but guys are MORE than welcome to come cheer! Especially if they cheer for me!! See you there!!


SMASH Night with Hillary Biscay!

by Haley on December 3, 2013

Last weekend Hillary Biscay won the ULTRAMAN World Championship!

smashUltramanHillary with Men’s Champ Miro Kregar.  They don’t even look tired! (Pic via UltramanCanada)

And THIS Weekend, she’ll be in Atlanta for a Q&A and SMASH Night at all3sports!


The Friday Night event may be billed as Ladies Night, but gents are more than welcome. I can only imagine both men and women will be DYING to hear about Hillary’s Ultraman victory. What’s Ultraman? Three full days of crazy racing around the Big Island of Hawaii! You can read all about it in Lava Magazine’s coverage. And of course, you can ask Hillary on Friday!!

Hillary’s not visiting all3 just to talk tri. She and creative genius Michele Landry will be showing off their super cute SMASH clothing line. I’m partial to the Lava Berry kit, but really, you can’t go wrong. I want it all!!!

smashNight2It all kicks off Friday at 5pm at all3sports. Can’t wait to see everyone there!!!


This weeks’ Osmo Water Pic Wednesday is Bozeman, Montana’s Gallatin River!

gallatin2That’s my mom in the pic, checking her email and possibly contemplating a post-run ice bath. And how did I snap such a great shot?

gallatinI may have also sent a few tweets from this position.

I’m in Bozeman celebrating Thanksgiving with my folks, soaking up the last of the offseason and enjoying some car-free runs with GORGEOUS views and great company.

montana_horseThis week’s Water Pic comes with some good Osmo Nutrition news! All3sports now carries Osmo products! That means you can use my all3sports discount code CHURA15 and get 15% off my FAVORITE hydration products in store or online! Chase your eggnog with Osmo and go for a Thanksgiving run!!
