I have some GREAT news folks! My arms are making a comeback! Gone are the days of my noodle-arm swims. Three weeks back in the pool plus a little extra time spent arm-focused on dry land, and I’m FINALLY starting to feel like I can swim again.

I actually did this TYR Swim Set of the Week earlier this week. Coach Maria gave this set at the very END of practice and the intervals had me a little worried. But my arms showed up, I made the times, and now I know I can expect a lot more out of myself in future workouts!!

Give it a try and happy comeback to you and your arms as well!!

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Do you know what happens when you combine Osmo Active Hydration and Perrier?


Fizzy deliciousness! Almost like a healthy holiday cocktail! Or a science experiment!

I also tried combining Osmo with champagne. Result? Equally delicious! And very festive! However, the bike ride immediately afterwards did not go so well. (INDOOR bike ride! Don’t get any bad ideas about me!) Osmo is probably still best mixed with water, but you can’t blame a girl for trying. Tis the season!

And guess what? YOU can try Osmo Active Hydration at the Dynamo Masters New Year’s Eve Swim Festival!


Yes, you read that right. The only thing that makes swimming 14,000 meters more awesome, is starting at 3:30AM. And since 14k is a long way to go, I’ll be bringing a big cooler of Osmo to keep everyone well hydrated.

Come for all or part, or just show up for a cup of Osmo. Not a member of Dynamo Masters? The drop-in fee is always just $12. If you swim 14k, that’s less than .0009 cents per meter!! As a comparison, Sarah McLachlan’s Save the Dogs campaign charges SIXTY cents per day! What a deal. See you there!!


TYR Swim Set of The Week & I’m a CoverGirl!

by Haley on December 12, 2013

I’m on the COVER of TriLife Magazine!

Screen Shot 2013-12-12 at 8.20.00 AMThe December issue is available on the Apple Newsstand NOW! The magazine is full of great swim/bike/run articles, an age group athlete spotlight, and of course, a little piece by yours truly!

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TriLife Mag is offering a FREE 3 month subscription to all of my amazing blog followers who use the code TriLifeRocks.

Here’s a great link explaining how to use the gift code: http://trilifemag.com/how-to-use-your-gift-code/

The magazine could make for some great post-swim reading! This week’s TYR Swim Set of the Week includes lots of BACKSTROKE! Back is my personal favorite stroke and something I use to mix up my aerobic sets as I’m getting back into shape! Give it a try!

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Osmo Water Pic Wednesday – The ICE Edition!

by Haley on December 11, 2013

My sister sent me this water pic last week:


Those are icicles and SNOW – in DALLAS, Texas!!

I think the better part of the U.S. is freezing right now, and while Atlanta has enjoyed relatively mild temps, the RAIN has given me a whole new appreciation for indoor cycling class.

 Indoor_cyclingDynamo Cycling Class – so hot, it steamed up my camera!!

The sun FINALLY peeked out yesterday afternoon so I could take my new kicks out for a spin. Those babies were just too bright white to get muddy on their maiden voyage!


After ten days of consistent training, my swim, bike, and run are finally starting to feel somewhat “normal.” In previous years long day-job hours kept me from building a strong foundation during these winter months and I’m excited to see what kind of base I can build this year. I really love racing, but I’m starting to think training might not be so bad either!

Big THANK YOU for all the positive responses to yesterday’s Coaching post. You all give me so much confidence and I appreciate that more than I can possibly say! I am more excited than ever about the great people and opportunities that exist in this sport and I’m so grateful I get to be a part of it all!!!

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Announcing Haley Chura Coaching!

by Haley on December 10, 2013

With my first pro year fading in the rear view mirror, I am fully focused on the road ahead. Training has started up again, 2014 race plans are coming together, and my support crew and sponsor relationships are only getting stronger.

As I’ve gotten a better grip on my own training and life as a professional triathlete, I’ve been dipping my toes in the water and doing a little double secret triathlon coaching. Previously I’ve coached kids’ swimming, but triathlon and endurance sport coaching is different. The races are longer and usually few and far between. Communication is infinitely more important and suddenly things like “gear” and “race day nutrition” are added into an already complicated three sport puzzle. But as I get my feet wet in the triathlon coaching world I’m starting to realize something crazy:


With that being said, I’ve decided to wade a little further into the proverbial pond and I’m ready to take on a few more athletes. I’ve spent 20+ years learning from some of the best coaches out there, and I think I have some good ideas to share. I’m open to all ages, abilities and race distances. Coaching will be primarily online/via telephone, so you don’t even have to live in Atlanta!

Interested? Send an email to haleychura@gmail.com telling me a bit about yourself and why you think we might make a good team.

My athletes will have access to all the wonderful perks of being a Dynamo Multisport athlete, PLUS the option for EXCLUSIVE  custom stick figure artwork computer generated by yours truly. Find me another triathlon coach who offers THAT.

coachingAll kidding aside, I’m really excited about this new adventure. I’m having such a great time in the sport and I  can’t wait to help a few athletes with their own triathlon journeys! Talk to you soon!!!

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