I didn’t know Frank Guinn. But he knew me
Or at least the internet version of me, which I like to think is somewhat similar to the real thing.
I didn’t know Frank, but I knew of Frank. His coach had mentioned him, and how excited he was to be coaching a firefighter. Just like me, Frank was from Atlanta, a Dynamo Multisport coached athlete. And just like me, Frank was in New Orleans last weekend, excited to race 70.3 miles through the Crescent City.
Frank’s wife Kimberly gave the most amazing pre-race speech. She said the last thing Frank would have wanted was for anyone to shed a tear on his behalf. She encouraged us all to race hard for Frank. She told us about the brotherhood of firefighters, and how she saw that same family dynamic in the triathletes standing on that start line. She told us about her brother Andrew, who from his hospital bed, was already making plans to race again. I didn’t know Frank, but I know Frank’s three little girls have an amazing role model in their mother.
I didn’t know Frank, but I raced past his memorial, past his ghost bike on Chef Highway. I thought about him often during that race and I admired the way his firefighter brethren showed up in force, collecting funds for his family at the finish line.
Most of us didn’t know Frank, but that hasn’t stopped the triathlon community from embracing him, donating to both his and Andrew’s fundraising sites. Both sites are close to their goals, and I am confident they will be far surpassed. Because even though we may not have known Frank, we DO know Frank. Frank is one of us, and the endurance sports family is SO strong.
Donate to the Frank Guinn Family Fund: http://www.gofundme.com/89mhhs
Donate to Andrew Powell’s Recovery Fund: http://www.gofundme.com/89yriw