The evolution of a race kit: My fashion blog

by Haley on April 3, 2012

When I did my first half Ironman in 2008 I made a couple rookie mistakes: Forgot my socks, forgot my sunscreen, forgot to train for the bike and run. But amidst all that, my biggest faux pas was definitely my wardrobe.

Between my American flag swimsuit, baggy shorts, and shoes that actually came untied, I’m surprised I didn’t show up in Fashion Police pages of US Weekly!

Thankfully, after some friendly ribbing, my friend Betty came to the rescue. She convinced me to join the new Dynamo Multisport triathlon team and so began my triathlon fashion evolution.

2009 saw me in a real tri kit. The first year Dynamo Multisports kits were surprisingly tasteful – black shorts, white tops, some green accents – a big step up from my baggy shorts days!

But Coach decided we needed to be bolder. Much bolder. And in 2010 the GREEN Dynamo shorts were born:

Not only were those shorts bright green, they also came down to my knees. After watching me race, my friend Beth said I looked like I was wearing “really tight basketball shorts.” A fashion regression to say the least, but I did get a lot of cheers!

Things got a little better in 2011. Diablo decided to offer a mongoose-friendly option with shorter shorts and a slightly longer top. My lower back rejoiced!

And now, for 2012, I believe I’ve made a real triathlon fashion breakthrough. Check it out:

This year my Dynamo teammates and I will be sporting the super comfy, super flattering, and super fast TYR Carbon race kits – in the always bold GREEN and YELLOW! How sweet is that!

I’ll be accessorizing with my Mizuno race flats, super cool TYR visor, and shades that look like they came off the race track. It seems I’ve found the perfect combo of flash and fashion and I couldn’t be more excited. See you on the race course – you definitely won’t miss me!!

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Stacy April 3, 2012 at 5:50 pm

Very fashionable!


Anabel H April 4, 2012 at 10:30 pm

Hi Haley, I came across your blog via Alyssa Godesky’s blog (who I came across via Hilary Biscay…) I had to comment as I think you are the only other triathlete I have seen who rocks the Mizuno Wave Ronins! I hope you have a great season.


Haley April 5, 2012 at 12:27 am

Alyssa Godesky, Hillary Biscay, and Mizuno Wave Ronins – Anabel, I think you just mentioned three of my favorite things in one comment! Thanks and yes – LOVE my Ronins! They just make me feel faster! Good luck to you too!


Katie April 5, 2012 at 11:48 pm

Ooooh, jealous, cool kit!! You won’t be as easy to spot though I always look for you out on the course. Nice to see a friendly face :)


Matt Booth April 19, 2012 at 1:39 pm

I’m so jealous of the new kit! I didn’t know what the final version was going to look like but I tried one on a few months ago when they had the samples in. The biggest size was, um….too small. Oh well. When did aqua blue makes its way into the color palate? I like it! Gonna look hot out there in 2012!


Haley April 19, 2012 at 4:32 pm

Ohhh the perils of being seven feet tall!

The kits are awesome! And my iPhone/sketchy MS Paint cropping makes the shorts look aqua, but trust me, they are Dynamo GREEN in real life!!! Tough to miss on the course for sure!


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