The first race I ever did with Drew Marlar was a 40 mile trail run. The race course was about 80 miles south of Atlanta and Drew rode his bike to the start. And that was just two weeks after he’d posted a crazy fast 9:40 at Ironman Arizona.
Fast forward two years and Drew’s jumping off a ferry boat into a Norwegian fjord to start his day at Norseman – the toughest Ironman course on the planet. His race report was so incredible it was published in Lava Magazine (read it here, it starts on page 3).
Yes, my friend Drew’s a little crazy, and that’s why I try to spend as much time as possible with him.
Right now, Drew’s training for encore performances at both Ironman St. George and Norseman. Last weekend he was planning a big ride. I begged him to let me tag along and luckily he agreed.
Drew mapped out a 100+ mile ride that landed us in Athens, Georgia – at the University of Georgia track, no less! Drew’s hubby Bryan, aka the nicest guy in the world, was running a race in Athens later that day and agreed to leave our running shoes and cooler at the track. All we had to do was ride.
Even though Athens is only a 60 mile drive from Atlanta, I don’t get to visit the Classic City nearly enough. It’s always nice to return to the delicious restaurants, cute shops, and small town charm of my college days.
The day was perfect, the ride was gorgeous, I kept Drew in sight for a surprisingly long time, and we ended at one of my favorite places in the world. AMAZING!
After a couple miles on the track (Drew literally ran circles around me!), we packed up our gear and headed to Terrapin Brewery to cheer for Bryan.
The 4-miler was Bryan’s 17th race of 2012 and he KILLED it!
And I really appreciated watching a race at a brewery!
All-in-all, it was a pretty awesome weekend full of training, friends, and a nice reminder to appreciate all the amazing places sports have taken me!
My friend Katy, a Stanford swim alum turned outstanding Ironman athlete, sent me a link the most amazing Saturday Night Live skit ever. It combines two of my favorite things – the Hunger Games and my favorite race day treat! Thanks Katy! Check it out everyone!
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Hope you went to big city bread or mommas boy….. I’m totally jealous that you were in athenes either way
I miss terrapin, I still have all my beer glasses
Awww so miss our Sunday mornings at BCB! No visit to either this time…but I guess it gives me a reason to go back!!!
OMG I am crazking up about the video, I heard Sofia Vergara was hilarious!! Anyways, about Drew… so Saturday after the OWS he was nice enough to let me follow him to the bike start and even waited for me, I think it went like Drew- ‘are you coming?’, me (not having an idea what I was getting myself into)- ‘sure, I will go but I only have 2:30hrs’, thinking he is a ‘normal person’ and I would be able to stay on his wheel for part of his ride since he was doine 4hrs… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT, I think I lost side of him & Scott on the first 10min. I am no pro cyclist but I am used to ride with the ‘boys’, needless to say a week before my race that was NOT a confidence booster
Hahah! That sounds about right! Don’t feel bad! Drew drops everyone!! See you in NOLA!