Ironman Season

by Haley on August 24, 2011

My life is seasonal. The year starts with “busy season.” (That’s  what auditors call “tax season” because “audit season” sounds like the subtitle for a bad movie sequel. – i.e. Wall Street 3: Audit Season)  Given that I’m an accountant – a certified professional one – I know I’m going to spend the first couple months of every year buried in work. Lucky for me the weather is usually as miserable as my workload, so I don’t really feel like I’m missing out on much.

Awesome co-workers make my job awesome

About the time the mercury starts creeping up I start spending a little less time with my calculator and a lot more time with my bicycle. That’s when I know it’s “training season” – the time of year when I try to regain the fitness I lost while fulfilling my financial Kona qualification standard during busy season.

Training Camps - YAY!

And now I’m on the cusp of “Ironman Season.” It’s a short season – just under two months – but it’s my favorite time of year. This is when I get to dig into the inner reaches of my soul. I get to learn about myself – How do I react when things go right? How do I react when things go wrong? Am I stronger than last year? I think I have the answers to those questions, but there’s really only one way to find out.

I’m headed to Louisville tomorrow and I could not be more excited. Ironman Louisville starts in the Ohio River at 7am Sunday morning. With 7 athletes racing, and even more on cheer duty, it’s going to be a Dynamo Multisport party for the whole 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and 26.2 mile run. Combine that with the all the awesome people following online and on Twitter and I’m predicting a massive amount of positive GREEN energy directed toward Derby City on Sunday.

No wonder I’ve been looking forward to this all year! Bring on the heat! We are ready!

PS. I just received what is possibly the best good luck card ever from what is possibly my youngest fan. Bonus points if you can guess the mom! (Hint: Those are goggles, this child will probably grow up with the best homemade birthday cakes ever, and its first word might be “konichiwa”)

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Mari Fridenmaker August 24, 2011 at 2:58 pm

The very best of luck to you at IM Louisville, Haley!


Robo October 8, 2011 at 11:49 pm

Too many hints. I didn’t need any to guess Mary D!


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