Open Water Swimming!

by Haley on April 26, 2011

The calendar may say April, but here in Atlanta it’s starting to feel like SUMMER! With blue skies and temps in the 80s, Betty, Kathryn and I decided to do a little open water swimming.

We headed up to Lake Allatoona at Red Top Mountain State Park, just north of Atlanta. I decided to channel my inner Lynne Cox and go sans-wetsuit, though the initial shock of  the not-exactly-warm water had me practically climbing over Kathryn and trying to get back to the warm shore ASAP!

Eventually I warmed up and could really enjoy swimming on such a beautiful day! Betty set a fast pace and Kathryn and I just tried to hang on to her heels!

This was a GIRLS ONLY trip to the lake. My friend Lia, a 10-year-old soccer star and up-and-coming triathlete, recently drew me a cartoon reminding me why boys and girls are often separated during training and races:

"Now I understand why girls and boys are split up."

Lia is exactly right – boys (and especially their bike shoes) smell and sometimes we need a break!

The highlight of the swim came when we passed a HUGE rock near the edge of the lake….

I just couldn’t resist!

Jumping off that rock was just as fun as it looked. I love open water swimming and hope to do lots of it this summer!

And maybe next time we’ll even let the boys join – if they can keep up!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Emily May 2, 2011 at 2:25 pm

Hello! I’m an avid open water swimmer, and I just moved to Atlanta. I’ve been looking for a place to do some open water swimming, AND some people to join. Do you do this weekly? And if so, do you allow strangers to crash your fun party?

Emily :)


IronMikeTri May 7, 2011 at 5:21 pm

If the boys can keep up?! Funny… Bring it on. :)


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