Just like last weekend, I spent my Sunday riding up and down the GAPS.
Unlike last weekend, this time, the weather was absolutely beautiful!
I may have been oblivious to the basketball hoop-la down in Houston, but I witnessed plenty of madness here in Georgia.
Like Drew running to the top of Neels GAP. It takes me 40+ minutes to ride my bike to the top of Neels. Drew RAN it in under an hour! CRAZY!
The madness continued as Betty, best known for running through Atlanta in long sleeves, running tights, a hat and gloves (in July), chose to soak her legs in the icy creek. INSANE!
Fortunately, I held it down for the rational folks with a relatively easy training day. But my workouts are about to get much more exciting and take a real turn for the loony bin. I have some crazy training scheduled for this weekend and I cannot wait!