My Very Happy and Humbling New Year’s

by Haley on January 3, 2011

“I like Sweetwater so much better than Kennesaw, Sweetwater has real trails.”

Gulp. I tried to hide my nervousness as I started jogging behind my friend Kelly. She had generously invited me to run with her and a few of her ultramarathon friends at Sweetwater Creek Park  to kick off the new year. I’ve been trying to run with faster people and I was really excited about checking out the trails until I heard that sentence. I had never been to Sweetwater before and was under the impression Kennesaw had “real trails.”

“Yeah, the only good climb at Kennesaw is running to the top of the mountain.”

Double Gulp. I’d only run to the top of Kennesaw Mountain once. I took a wrong turn, and it was a mistake I never repeated. And these people thought that was fun? What had I gotten myself into??

Within ten minutes we were sliding down a concrete embankment and crossing a stream, just to scramble up the other side. My shoes were wet, my hands were muddy, my shins were scratched, but I thought I was handling it all very well. 

Then it started POURING. Like a full-on monsoon. I looked down at my watch. 20 minutes. We’d only been running for 20 minutes. I’d told Kelly I was in for a full 2.5 hour deal, but I was seriously wondering if I would be able to make it.

But shame is a powerful motivator and I didn’t want these people (most of whom I’d just met) to think I was a total P-word, so I kept going. Even when the trail seemed to go vertical, and I watched the others climb like mountain goats, and I staggered behind, scrambling on all fours, grasping at clumps of grass and thorns,  I kept going. Even when the others whooped and hollered with joy as they flew down the descents, while I slipped and slid with fear, trying to figure out if I had enough cash to cover my insurance deductible, I just kept going.

I didn’t know how to get back to my car anyway, so running was really my only option, but I’m still a little proud of my tenacity.

And through all the falls, the scrapes, the mud, the thorns, the rain – I had the best time. Some of those hills were a huge struggle for me. And it was so humbling to have everyone waiting for me at the top…and again at the bottom. But that’s what makes runners such awesome people. And when we got back to our cars a few hours later, we were all smiles! Happy New Year!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Anonymous January 3, 2011 at 1:07 pm

You are hilarious. You killed me at the end. You are a superstar. Thanks for the laugh this morning.


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