Christmas in Minnesota

by Haley on December 30, 2010

This year my little sister, Hannah, gave me the greatest Christmas present ever – she helped me set up my own website! I may have a few years and inches on her, but she far out-ranks me in the technology department (and the great smiles department)!

I loved writing for the Element Bars blog, but the control freak in me wanted my own site. Who doesn’t want to see their name followed by a dot com? Plus, now if I decide to drop the F-bomb, I don’t have to worry about it being censored! (Kidding! Sort of…) But if you don’t want to change your “Haley’s Blog” bookmark – do not worry – my incredibly deep insights will still appear on the Element Endurance blog page. You’ll just miss out seeing the sweet swim/bike/run stick figures and my name in size 72 font featured on this page.

Anyway, onward to more exciting topics – like Duluth, Minnesota!  My parents decided to move to Duluth last summer, and this Christmas was my sister’s and my first visit. Duluth is way up in northeastern Minnesota along the shores of Lake Superior (which is a GINORMOUS lake, by the way). 

The town is known for exactly two things: Grandma’s Marathon and Kara Goucher. The marathon is famous for being a  fast course; Kara Goucher is famous for being a fast runner. Unfortunately, I think Kara Goucher no longer lives in Duluth so my celebrity sightings were limited to newspaper clippings at the local running store. I did manage to visit Grandma’s Saloon, where I ate the “Marathon Spaghetti” and drank “Grandma’s Old Time Lager,” which I am certain put me well on my way to a faster marathon time. I also snapped this pic of the landmark restaurant and the really cool Canal Park Aeriel Lift Bridge behind it:

Despite the frigid temps, my mom managed to get me out the door for a way-too-fast run along Lake Superior. This was followed by an all out slaughter by my sister in the local YMCA pool. Thank goodness the roads were too icy to ride or I’m sure my dad would have completed the “let’s show Haley she’s not really that great an athlete” trifecta by dropping me on a bike ride up Duluth’s hills. Instead I got to make a fire and enjoy the extra hours of darkness in the northern latitudes and do what I do best – sleep!

But all kidding aside – I had an awesome time in Minnesota. I got to check out a new area and spend time with a few of my favorite people. It was the perfect way to close out 2010. Cheers to new adventures (and websites) in 2011!

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