I admit, I’m a SwimFan.
No, not THIS kind of swimfan…
This kind!
One of the best parts of being a swimfan is finding great swim stuff on the Internet. A few weeks ago I came across this tweet from US Olympic Swimmer Matt McLean:
Matt swims for Bob Bowman at the North Baltimore Aquatic Club (aka Michael Phelps’ coach) so naturally I had to check out this swim workout, quotes and all!
Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and a main set that could totally work for triathletes!! Bob Bowman is a GENIUS (duh)!
So here’s how I’d adapt the main set from Bob’s workout, which is written as Free-IM, to be a little more triathlete friendly (mostly freestyle).
Want to learn more about Bob, Michael, Matt, and the whole NBAC crew? Check out this great article featured on Yahoo! Sports. Read it HERE!
AND if you’re in the Atlanta or Athens, Georgia area July 10-13th, you can catch some of these superstar swimmers in action at the Bulldog Grand Slam Swim Meet at the University of Georgia. Details HERE!
I’m starting to think being a SwimFan is almost as much fun as being a TriGeek! Happy 4th of July!!
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Awesome, masters is going to be canceled tonight because of storms, now I have a workout to do. Woo-hoo!!!